New Femmes contest!

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See the Femmes Fatales blog to play.

(Contest starts September 1, 2008 and ends September 27, 2008.)

Hank Phillippi Ryan Welcome to Hank Phillippi Ryan!

Hank Phillippi Ryan's Prime Time, won the Agatha for best first mystery and a Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice award, and has been nominated for several more awards--stay tuned! Meanwhile, the Femmes Fatales thought Hank and her heroine, Charlie McNally, would make great additions to our team.

More about Hank >

Toni Kelner Everybody is a geek about something! That's what Toni L.P. Kelner is exploiting in her new "Where are they now?" series. Tilda Harper, a Boston-based freelance entertainment reporter, specializes in tracking down the formerly famous. Of course Toni herself is a geek about mysteries, but she's also geeking out on urban fantasy. She and Femme Charlaine Harris have co-edited two anthologies about things that go bump in the night: Many Bloody Returns and Wolfsbane and Mistletoe.

More about Toni >

Kris Neri Kris Neri returns to her short story roots

Whether you like stories that are dark and original, or light and frothy, with cats as protagonists, or the mix of mystical and mystery, Kris Neri's latest publication, The Rose in the Snow: Tales of Mischief and Mayhem, contains something for every mystery lover.

More about Kris >

Mary Saums Does a lady shoot in the woods?

Mary doesn't, but her new series heroines, Jane Thistle and Phoebe Twigg, sure do. They don't hunt animals, only bad guys foolish enough to mess with two sixty-ish widows or the pristine forest surrounding Tullulah, Alabama.

More about Mary >

Elaine Viets Dead end jobs and mystery shopping

Elaine Viets started working at age sixteen for minimum wage. More than thirty years later, she is still working for minimum wage. But this time, it's for her Dead-End Job series. We're glad she also gets to do retail therapy as research for her mystery shopper series.  

More about Elaine >

Donna Andrews Penguins, Cockatiels, Geese....?

This year, Donna has two Meg Langslow books coming out. In Cockatiels at Seven (July), Meg has to solve the disappearance of an old friend--while taking care of the friend's wayward two-year-old. And in Six Geese A-Slaying (October), Meg is organizing her town's annual holiday parade.  

More about Donna >

Dana Cameron From the past, to the present, to the paranormal. . .

Dana Cameron's sixth Emma Fielding mystery, Ashes and Bones, won the 2007 Anthony Award for Best Paperback Original; her historical mystery, "The Lords of Misrule," was nominated for Best Short Story. Her werewolf story, "The Night Things Changed," will appear in Wolfsbane and Mistletoe in October 2008.

More about Dana >

Charlaine Harris Harris stakes out vampires in Arkansas

Charlaine Harris's latest releases include From Dead to Worse, the eighth Sookie Stackhouse book, and Many Bloody Returns, a short-story anthology co-edited with Toni L.P. Kelner. And watch for Charlaine's and Toni's next anthology, Wolfsbane and Mistletoe, in October.

More about Charlaine >