
Gourd, loofah [have]
Gourds, snake [have]
Ground cherry [ordered, Seed Savers Exchange]
Melon, pocket [ordered, Select Seeds]
Pricky caterpiller, [ordered, Seed Savers Exchange]
Sunberry [ordered, Seed Savers Exchange]

Ground cherry, Aunt Molly's

Ground cherries were recorded as early as 1837 in Pennsylvania. This outstanding Polish variety is prized for its clean flavor. Fruits are ½ to ¾" in diameter and are encased in a papery husk that turns brown when the fruits ripen. Stores 3-4 weeks in the husk. Extremely productive plants have a sprawling habit and grow 18" tall and 24" wide. Excellent citrus flavor, can be used for preserves, pies, over ice cream or in fresh fruit salads. Starts fruiting by the end of July and continues until frost and a little beyond, extremely productive. Excellent results a Heriage Farm when grown on landscape cloth which suppresses weeds and makes collecting the fruits easy. 70 days from transplant. CERTIFIED ORGANIC (Seed Savers Exchange)

(Solanum Burbankii) Bred in the early 1900s by Luther Burbank, who called it Sunberry and lamented it being renamed Wonderberry by the dealer who purchased and introduced it. Critics immediately claimed Burbank had simply reintroduced S. nigrum, Garden Huckleberry, as a new plant. Burbank said it was the result of many years of crossing of Solanum guinense (a species native to Africa) and S. villosum (indigenous to Europe). Sunberry’s fruits are blue, slightly sweet and slightly larger than a pea. Said by its admirers to rival and even surpass blueberries. Truly historic variety. CERTIFIED ORGANIC